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 A Home to Live In  

What is the value of a stranger's life?


Our Family Needs a Home

We have a small beautiful family.  I am a mother taking care of a pre-teen daughter.  We also have a dog, Odie. Our family is Indigenous to this nation but I have been unable to find affordable housing, or alternatively a job that pays enough to afford today's housing prices.  As such we have been living in a van for three years now.  I am a former social worker with a college degree and have tried every means within my reach to get my daughter and I out of homelessness.  Unfortunately, so far I have not only been unsuccessful but a victim of repeated violence as well.  After years of applying every tool I have to solve our problem I am now asking for help.

The Odds

Our Games

Hardwork isn't the only factor in obtaining safety, security, or in owning a home.  History has created economic policies that favor particular individuals over others. Because of these heavily weighted policies some folks are unlikely to ever own a home... no matter how hard we work.  However, we can move toward equity with help. With help we can beat the odds and provide a life worth living for our family.

Brain Sketch

ASD/ADHD Job Placement

Neurodivergent adults are 85% more likely to be passed over for a job and 60% more likely to be fired from a job.  This isn't because we are bad at our jobs but that our social differences frustrate our co-workers.

Happy Baby

Renting as a Single Mother

There is no place in the United States where a single mother can live off of minimum wage.

Native Drums

Native Home Ownership

Due to systemic policy an Indigenous woman is more likely to be murdered, raped, or found missing than she is to ever own her own home.

We Can Overcome!

Together we can work towards valuing all human life.  Help me get a home and not only will I  maintain it and flourish but my child will get her childhood back, systems punishing Indigenous women will be subverted and I will work night and day to replicate this fundraiser to help someone else out in the same way.  A circle of compassion.

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